And it's nice to see you around, too! I didn't know you still lurked here. Go figure, since I do. [Wink]
I really should lurk more. I just can't find the time. It's a real bummer.

It's a strange companion to her My Little Pony posters and Disney Princess decorations.
I hear ya. My little 4 yr old daughter has Disney stuff and Strawberry Shortcake all over her room, but in the midst of that is a Titan 10th Doctor figure, a tiny adipose and a giant adipose that my friend got her (whom I just got hooked on Doctor Who).

I wrote a short crossover last year, Not a Day at the Beach.
Might have to take a look at that. I wrote a Doctor Who fanfic and posted it on fanfiction.net. It's strictly DW and is based on what might have happened between Rose and the Metacrisis doctor after season 4 Journey's End when the Doctor drops them off and leaves them in the alternate universe.

Unfortunately, although I really tried my hardest, I just couldn't take to Matt Smith's Doctor or Amy Pond, so I haven't watched for ages. Tennant was definitely my Doctor.

I'm really looking forward to Peter Capaldi taking over. I've always loved his work and it's a new chance to reconnect.

My only issue is that it means Capaldi has had to be written out of my new favourite, The Musketeers, due to DW filming. He's been both hilarious and slimily villianous in the role of Richelieu and he'll be missed in S2.

LabRat [Smile]
First off...Labby!!!! Hi there! I've missed you!

Okay. I'm calm now. smile

I fought hard against Matt because I loved Tennant so much. It was nearly physically painful to watch him for the whole 5th season. He finally grew on me during the 6th season until I quite liked him by the end. The 7th season was just so-so for me (The Day of the Doctor not withstanding...loved, loved, LOVED it...if for nothing else because I got to see 10 again!) But just when I would think that I really did like Matt Smith's doctor, I would go back and rewatch an episode with Tennant, and then I would remember what made him untouchable and why I loved him so much and why no one else could measure up. smile But I am really looking forward to Capaldi. Sorry about losing him in The Musketeers. I've heard that is a good show. As far as British shows go, I watch DW, Sherlock, and some of the series like Broadchurch, Escape Artist (Um, anything really with David Tennant in it). My friends have been trying to get me into Downton Abbey, but I haven't made the plunge yet.

Thanks for all the responses guys! It's been fun to see who's a Who fan. Who's Who. :p

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.