Well, what I have to vote for (1 cat) is unfortunately true. If you count the number of cats who own me *now*. I *had* two cats before I moved to Vancouver, but they were bad movers so I had to give them up for adoption. I sort of consider myself a three-cat person now because of that. (Although if I were to count the cat we had when I was a kid, that I loved to death, but that because we lived in the jungles of Africa and he got eaten by some wild animal, I would be a four-cat person...) Don't know... Ah well smile

Melisma (under her Rock, missing Midnight, the all-black wild animal lunch from her African childhood; Melisma, the black and white tux she got while living in Ontario, had there and moved with her from there to Quebec and then central BC; and Spot, the ginger tabby kitten she got in central BC and had to leave there with Melisma because they were such bad movers; and now Tica, the black and white tux she had to leave with her parents in Vancouver when she came to Korea for a year, and who will probably consider her parents her humans by the time she gets back, because they spoil her rotten, just as any ordinary grandparents would do - although her parents refuse to be called Tica's grandparents!!!!)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda