Well, I was all ready to vote zero, but then the zero option said I had to be a dog lover. So I can't vote - I'm totally ambivalent about pets, be they cats, dogs, fish, snakes, alligators, etc. Well, actually, you could probably count me amongst the anti-snake and alligator brigade, but you get my drift.
PS - as I've said before, sometimes I wish pollsters wouldn't place interpretations on their choices. At best, it makes it harder to pick options, and at worst, it makes me feel like I'm having words put in my mouth which really don't fit with my usual idiom, and that makes me cringe a little when I'm voting.
Having said all that, it's not a big hill of beans. I certainly don't want to dampen enthusiasm for polls, 'cos they're good fun.
PPS What
on earth is Scrabble doing on your dining room table, Wendy? Does that animal have no sense of shame?