I chose "other" because I have been a hard core Second Hand Smoker ALL MY LIFE!!!

I lived with my grandparents from birth to 3yrs and my Grandfather and uncles that lived at home smoked.

My mom and dad smoked and I even associate that smell after being away from my mom for a long time as a "good" smell, smell of welcome and security, my mom *waffy sigh*. My brother and sister picked it up and at our family reunions at least 75% of my family over age 15 smokes.

When I joined the Air Force they totally discouraged smoking and I thought, ...cool, a clean smoke free environment... but then I started hanging around the dayrooms in the dorms during weekend long D&D campaigns and wouldn't you know it...the player I hooked up with smoked like a demon, still does. I got the sort of the same thing for him as I have for my mom, whenever we've been apart for more than two days, I get close to him and inhale the intoxicating scent of Marlboro Reds, VO5 hair cream, leather, and Stetson.

I'll never smoke, but I am resigned to dying of emphysima(sp?) or some nasty form of cancer.