Nope; never smoked, never wanted to.

As a kid, if I was in the same room as a smoker, the smoke would make me cough. I hated it. My parents didn't smoke - though I found out years later that my mother had when she was younger - but lots of relatives did. Growing up in Ireland in the 1960s and 1970s, smoking was acceptable everywhere: on the buses, in cinemas, in shops and restaurants and even classrooms in university. What's fascinating is that Ireland is now (I believe) the first country in Europe to have banned smoking in all public places. Even pubs! And it's a great place to visit now - so clean and fresh everywhere. razz

And, yes, Yvonne, I do agree that it's declining as a habit - statistics confirm that, too. What is worrying is that the incidence of smoking in less-well-developed countries is still high and, among young girls mostly, it seems, increasing. frown

Wendy smile

Edited to add: Other than Elena, who doesn't really count, wink I've only met one FoLC who smokes.

Just a fly-by! *waves*