In my family we always opened presents on Christmas Day. But we never waited until afternoon. <g> The rule was that we could get up as early as we wanted, but we weren't allowed to go where the tree was. And we weren't allowed to wake our parents up (on purpose *or* on accident) until 7 am.

Then we had to wait the eternity it took them to get ready. <g>

Then we opened presents, sometimes stopping midway through for, oh, food or something.

We also opened one on Christmas Eve. Usually from the grandparents. And then got sent to bed at about 6 o'clock or so, while my parents stayed up watching old movies, drinking wine, and wrapping presents. We, on the other hand, got to stay up as late as we wanted -- *upstairs* -- and played with whatever present we opened. I still remember the year I got the board game "Careers for Girls" and my brother became a SuperMom. <g>

That tradition has mostly gone out the window, seeing as we're adults and, oh, lookie there, not at home anymore. But I still wait until Christmas Day.

It's tradition.


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.