Most years we celebrate with my in-laws. My m-i-l is into Christmas in a *BIG* way, and loves giving presents. They've got the money to indulge themselves, too, so we get some pretty incredible presents. Last year, I opened a package in my stocking to find that it was a bottle of Woolite goofy That was for the fancy dress she'd also bought for me, that I hadn't opened yet...

Anyway, we've got some traditions, starting Christmas Eve. My in-laws tend to have huge houses with lots of guest rooms (I can remember Christmases in Tennesee, New Jersey, Florida, and Georgia) so the four siblings, their spouses and children, and more far-flung relations and friends might be staying in the house. For Christmas Eve, instead of a regular dinner, she sets out a buffet... shrimp, crackers, oysters... my favorite is the cream cheese/crabmeat/cocktail sauce combo wink but there are a number of other things, too -- the same foods every year. Then, when we've eaten, we might open one present -- but only one. The gifts we kids are giving each other are under the tree, with a few from Grandma and Grandpa.

After the kids are in bed, we bring out all the hidden presents -- a closet or two full of wrapped boxes. Oh, and the wrapping paper is all color-coordinated <g> This doubles or triples the amount of packages under the tree for morning.

Is it any wonder my kids believe in Santa?

Anyway, on Christmas morning, my m-i-l, who's a light sleeper, starts rousting out everyone around 6 am... and it's a good idea to grab a snack, 'cause we won't be having breakfast til after 10. laugh Afterwards, kids play with presents, and grown-ups try on their new outfits, and we're all on our own for food until about 6pm.

This year, we'll be staying home. We've gotten a few deliveries already. And I love Amazon, 'cause they do my shipping for me... but I love staying with my in-laws <g>

who is somewhat shocked to find herself saying that last line... goofy