I do use a microwave, but really only for defrosting things, for heating up leftovers, and for making custard. Actually, you can make a great white sauce in the microwave, too. Oh, and it's very good for cooking courgettes (zucchini).

I use the cooker (stove) more, though. Even though I had leftovers for lunch today, only part of the meal got reheated in the microwave; I also used the hob.

I bake. I roast. I fry, boil and grill. And I suffer from huge pangs of guilt whenever I'm reduced to eating ready meals!

In case you haven't guessed by now, I like cooking -- and I dare to say that I'm pretty good at it.

Now, if only I could get my bread maker out of storage... I didn't know it was possible to miss an appliance this much! wink
