I've heard that, too, Irene, and it grosses me out cat . For that reason I always close the lid, and I try to impress upon my brother to do the same when we're both living under the same roof (we share a bathroom <g>). If you don't want to touch it, Paul, maybe use a piece of toilet paper? As for the seat itself, someone (my mom?) must have trained my father and brother early on, because I have never come upon a toilet with the seat up at home.

Unfortunately for me, nine months of the year I live in a dorm with coed bathrooms. Guys don't put the lid down here. I'm grateful they flush wink But then again, it's basically a public toilet, so I don't sit on it anyway. I have hygiene issues wink . I don't touch the handle, either...

I'm grateful my cats at home have never shown any interest whatsoever in the toilets unless someone's sitting on them, in which case my cat will push the door open and watch... Weird cat wink
