By the way, I have to tell you what I read in a Swedish newspaper about a week ago. The paper had tested ice cubes that are put in soft drinks in MacDonalds restaurants and other burger bars, and compared the bacteria content of the ice cubes with the bacteria content in the water of a toilet bowl. Guess what? The bacteria content in the ice cubes was hundreds of times higher in the Coca Cola ice cubes than in the water of the toilet bowl!!!
Arrgh! Ann! I'll never be able to go McDonalds again. *sobs* I diet of junkfood...all ruined. :p
About the toilet-seat issue... Well, I find it a bit annoying when people leave it up. I don't mind that much, though. When you have a little brother whose hobby is to throw stuff in the toilet which *you* have to remove...the toilet seat sort of just becomes a slight annoyance.