Originally posted by Selinde:
Edit: oh, about hiding my age, I always lie about my age on the internet.. just an old habit of mine.. I also lie about my name (ok well, not about my first name) and where I live (country is ok) just for my own privacy not because I think I look old etc

So maybe I really am 3 years old (sometimes I really think I am

I think a lot of people do that, too, hide details. ;-)
I don't hide where I live (written under all my posts, *lol*) - I'll even tell you the company I work for (Softimage) cause I'm *very* proud to work here. But I'm not using my own name anywhere. It's definitely not Lara... (that's from a song "The eyes of Lara Moon", I didn't even invent it!) I hate my first name, I would gladly change it if I could.
As for my age - I like that people think I'm a silly teenager. I totally act like one in real life anyway. But I'm much older than that, so I don't usually tell. If you saw me in person, though, the grey hair (which I'm too *young* to have, btw!) kinda gives away the fact that I'm not fresh out of College.
(My actual real first name is Caroline and I'm an alcoolic...err... no, wait, I don't mean that! *lol* I'm 37 years old. In my head, though, my real name would probably be Lara and I'm 18 years old at the most. Oh and I would slay dragons for chocolate, too, btw.)