Hi Ann,

Originally posted by TOC:
But take a look at the movies, then. <snip> Such Clarks can't be attractive.
No arguments here.

But just imagine that the LnC people had switched hairstyles, so that Superman got the looser hairstyle while Clark Kent got the gelled-down hair. I think that the weird hairstyle would have taken Clark's sexiness down a notch.
Again, I agree with you. I much prefer his hair un-gelled. But if I had to choose between a slick-haired Clark and loose-haired Superman, both being Dean's interpretations of the roles, I'd still go with Clark.

But take a look at this version of Dean Cain: he's wearing a wet white shirt that clings to his body, but his hair is fluffy!

Fluffy-haired wet-shirt Dean Cain

Ah, sorry. The picture has disappeared.
mecry Sounds like it would have been a yummy picture.

And here is young Dean Cain as Clark Kent changing into Superman:

Young Dean Clark Kent Cain
Oh my. That photo should come with a warning for those with weak hearts.

You always do find the best photos with which to illustrate your posts. Thanks!
