Chiming in now to say a huge THANK YOU to Pel. You are such a star!!!! Thank you so very, very much for doing this! clap

As for the story... well, it's coming up on the archive this weekend, but I am also planning to post it on the boards this week. So keep an eye out in the fanfic folder!

Incidentally, I wasn't planning to write a Christmas story this year. And I said so too - I was at Yvonne's place a few weeks ago and we were discussing future writing ideas; I said that I had no intention of writing a Christmas story this year because I felt that I'd done 'Lois hates Christmas' to death, and since I prefer to write pre-relationship or on-the-cusp-of-relationship Christmas stories, that was really all I could do - after all, it wasn't as if I could write Clark-hates-Christmas for a change, was it? And then... the penny dropped, bit by bit, and the idea which became In The Bleak Mid-Winter just stuck in my brain and refused to go away. And, yes, guys, it's Alt-Clark.

Wendy (just hoping that everyone isn't going to be disappointed with the story now that they've seen Pel's absolutely stunning trailer! notworthy )

Just a fly-by! *waves*