And how could he possibly have sat there next to her, reading files at the snail’s pace of human capacity, knowing how important every second was?
Oooh, love that he thought of that!
That was a novelty: he’d actually rendered Lois Lane speechless!

Nice little injection of humour to lighten the atmosphere. <g>
Yet the billionaire looked less urbane, less arrogantly in control of his universe, than usual. He actually looked... concerned.
Oh... wow, Wendy! See? See? I knew Luthor always cared about Lois - he was just off the deep end, that's all. <g> Damn, Wendy. Fantastic!
Oh, sweet...
“Superman, let us be frank. We don’t like each other, you and I, but that’s irrelevant here. What matters is saving Lois’s life.”
I'm *loving* this exchange! Absolutely loving it! Two men, mortal enemies, acting civil towards each other in the hour of need of the woman they both love.
“With respect, Superman, the kind of people who might know about this won’t talk to the police. Or a reporter. Let’s just say that I have... leverage... Lois and Henderson don’t.”
Oh, he’d just bet. “I hope you’re successful.” And that was honest, even if it was the first time he’d ever wanted Luthor to succeed at something.
Oh... I'm just... *loving* this. There's no other way to say it. I *love* this scene.
Anything that had a chance of saving Lois’s life was worth doing. Even joining forces with Luthor.
It crumpled in her hands. She didn’t care.
Clark was Superman.
Okay. I love that too. At the rate this is going... this may be my favourite chapter to date. <g>
You know... 7 always was my favourite number.
Oooh, I love how she keeps coming back to the thought that he's Superman! And this:
All the times she’d seen him as Superman, the things he’d said to her... Telling her that she was special. Making her fall in love with him!
I especially love!
She could feel herself swaying, losing all sense of balance, falling, the floor rising up to meet her...
And then she was safe, lying in strong, reassuring arms with Clark’s voice resounding in her head.
Absolutely adore that!
Not only the fantastic way you've written it, and... oh, that description, but mostly... the double meaning of the 'safe in Clark's arms'. <g>
“Oh.” He’d just been standing there, his hand on the door, not moving. “Someone calling for Superman.”
I was wondering when this would come up, and... I'm relieved he didn't leave her. Of course, knowing Wendy, she'll come up with some earthquake in Turkey or a flood in India and it'll kill Clark, but... <g>
He'll just have to remember how not to listen, like he did before he became Superman.
So much for her determination to save her own life. Right now she couldn’t even keep herself upright. She was useless.
Ooooh, Wendy. That's fantastic! And so... wrenching! Useless. Powerless. We've all felt that way before, and... you make it so possible for us to relate. It's fantastic, Wendy.
When she was better. Yeah, right. But he’d even managed to sound as if he meant it, too.
Okay, not a cliffhanger - we've already got a big enough cliff hanging over our heads, but still, an excellent place to end. Dismal, and yet hopeful.