This is torture! And another 12 or so parts! I am just not sure I can take this much longer! I mean, Clark's all in bed with the devil (so to say

), and I can't help but think this will lead to his own demise or is possibly one of the signs of the apocalypse or something (which Lois just does not need right now), and I can actually feel Lois's frustration! As they pull out files and stack on more possibilities and as they slowly eliminate possiblities for poisons, it seems more and more unlikely they'll get ANYWHERE in just a day. There are just too many poisons in the world and too many people that hate her! I feel myself giving up when she gets discouraged. So put in another way, great job, Wendy, since I am sure that is the point!
So much to comment on here! Some of these lines have been quoted/commented on already, but I just couldn't help it!
He’d said she could yell at him later. By rights, he should be the one yelling at her.
A totally different revelation aftermath here, and I really enjoy it! It also makes me wonder how sick she is now, that she's thinking like that!!!
He looked just like... Clark.
I love this. He walks in the conference room, and that is totally normal for her, for them, yet she is now studying him. Thinking he looks like Clark, like he might not, now that she knows the truth.
And then she was safe, lying in strong, reassuring arms with Clark’s voice resounding in her head.
I just love the image here. Lois is falling apart and it's heartbreaking, and Clark really is the only solid thing for her to grab onto right now, to draw strength from. He's her biggest source of comfort, and this moment here just brings all of that to the surface for me! It's a beautiful moment.
Small nitpick - She seemed to hesitate?
He could tell that she was amazed that he’d do that for her. Didn’t she know how much he cared for her? That he’d give his own life if it would cure her?
This grabbed my attention big time! I could be totally off, but it felt so... foreshadowing to me! And that would be FINE by me! Although then it'd be a second story altogether w/ saving him! Ha!
And the final bundle, with forty files, contained strong possibilities, all criminals who had made threats of some sort against Lois or who had a scientific background of some sort.
I hope if she survives this, she at least changes her tactics when on a story in the future... maybe the stack might be smaller? Although, she's got 3 Kerths... I am assuming she wouldn't do that, since it's those tactics that make her the reporter she is!
Anyway, Wendy, this is, again, complete torture. But it's wonderful, beautiful, fantastic torture and I willingly endure it! You write with such a sense of urgency and intensity that adds layers of meaning to the story just through style, and there is so much riding on every word that pours out of you! A tortured reader has no choice but to read each and every word and go where you take us! I love this!
Can't wait for more!