smile1 help shock sloppy devilsplat wallbash peep thud splat evil eek

Wow. (I hope I didn't overdo the emoticons.)

You're right, your Lex is evil! I'm waiting for him to change the memories of his co-conspirators and somehow goof it up with some of them. Scott has to escape or recover his true memories somehow. And does this plot have anything to do with his sister's death? Or is she really alive and her fake death part of the "new reality" everyone is supposed to experience?

You're hinting that Samantha gets involved with Hightower somehow and maybe that's the cause of her death (or her being overwritten in the "new reality"). Or, maybe she really does die, and that's the catalyst to bring Scott out of his memory fog. And we still don't know about Clark's recovered memories or what happens to Lana (wife, ex-wife, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, pregnant with Clark's child). I find it hard to credit that she'd sleep next to Clark for that long and not get up close and personal with him at least once - probably more often. After all, Clark's a hunk o' beefcake, isn't he?

Since Lois has her memories back, how will she escape Luthor's clutches? Does Luthor have altered memories also, or is his mind still - I was going to write "pristine" but that's hardly an appropriate term for him. Unaltered? Yeah, that works. Could he hold up in these interactions if he didn't have altered memories? Did he get the new memories without the mindwipe? If so, how long will he stay sane with two distinct memory patterns battling for dominance in his brain?

I suggest that for your next graph, you build one with Luthor's relative evilness in various stories. I'd bet this one would score the highest.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing