Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
smile1 help shock sloppy devilsplat wallbash peep thud splat evil eek

Wow. (I hope I didn't overdo the emoticons.)
Not at all smile

Boy, your imagination sure is running wild with what I've given you so far. I most definitely left things (intentionally) up in the air when I switched gears for Part 2. I love the glimpse into what your thinking. I can see why your muse is tickled. Oh, the possibilities!

I suggest that for your next graph, you build one with Luthor's relative evilness in various stories. I'd bet this one would score the highest.
Now that would be interesting. :gears turning: I'd have to determine what categories of evilness to rank Lex on, e.g., number of murders ordered, number of murders inflicted by self, reach of dastardly plan, cost, the list could go on. Then I'd have to come up with an algorithm to combine the rankings into some sort of meaningful overall score... Why isn't there an emoji with eyes growing wide in excitement?

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.