I did some binge reading of an author I discovered I liked. There are still a few more of hers for me to read, but I am on a wait list at the library to read them...
All by Sarah M Eden, unless otherwise noted.
12: Friends and Foes: #1 in the Jonquil Brothers series. An excellent and fast paced read.
13: Drops of Gold: #2 in the same series. Fantastic! I laughed so hard at one point I had to put the book down. Then I was sobbing later.
14: Piano Tuning: A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs: NOT by Sarah M Eden

but by J. Cree Fisher. I was given a piano and decided I would teach myself to tune it. This was a surprisingly interesting read with some very unique tidbits of information that apply almost anywhere. I haven't finished tuning the piano, but I did finish the book.
15: As You Are: #3 in the series. Not my favorite but good nonetheless.
16: A Fine Gentleman: #4 in the series. Pretty good. Drew some tears from me.
17: For Love or Honor: #5 in the series. Oh my! I think I cried for most of this book, sad tears, happy tears, lots of tears. Book 6 isn't out yet and I'm pretty sure there will be a 7 (because there are 7 brothers).
18: Glimmer of Hope: Not in a series, but one of the main characters appears in the Jonquil Brothers series. It takes place years before. And I didn't think I'd cry as hard as I did in the last one, but I did.
19: Seeking Persephone: #1 in the Lancaster Family series. Very good.
20: Courting Miss Lancaster: #2 in Lancaster Family. Also very good. Reminded me of another book I read a long time ago in plot, but I liked this one more.
21: A Night in Grosvenor Square: This was an anthology of novelas, but I only read the one by Sarah M Eden (the others couldn't hold my interest) and it was lovely.
22: The Rescue: by Lori Wick. This is the book that did all those things in that post by Terry. If you are in need of a book where everything goes right and nothing bad happens, this is the book for you. A fast read.
23: The Lost Letter: by Mimi Matthews (I'm still waiting for the next few books by Sarah M Eden to be available in the library

) This was a fast read, shorter than an average novel, but well done, sort of a Beauty and the Beast story (as it claims in the description) but the only similarity I saw was that the guy had scars on his face...
scifiJoan reads a much more well rounded collection of books than I do...