#50 Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins

Emerson, Georgia, and Marley have been best friends ever since they met at a weight-loss camp as teens. When Emerson tragically passes away, she leaves one final wish for her best friends: to conquer the fears they still carry as adults.

Since this book deals with the issue of self image and weight, it got a lot of hate on Goodreads. I thought the author did a decent job with the idea that your life doesn't have to be hold until you lose the weight.

#51 Missing Molly by Natalie Barelli

Everyone has secrets, and Rachel Holloway is no exception. She’s worked hard to keep the past where it belongs: dead and buried. And so far, she’s been very successful.

But now the small newspaper where she works wants to produce a podcast on a cold case: the disappearance twelve years ago of little Molly Forster.
And she's Molly Forster.

This was an interesting concept. I was surprised this woman's secret didn't come out immediately, she acted so erratically.

Last edited by scifiJoan; 08/26/19 11:59 AM.