Another European here.

They just put border patrols around our most populated county, stopping any other traffic than work, parental right and immediate health related. Most confirmed cases are also within that area. When the lock down was announced, people began to flee to their summer places and secondary homes. Time will show how many of them carried the virus and dropped it off at rest stops and local grocery stores along the way. International flights were stopped relatively late and the tourists were not told to avoid public transport and go guarantined which was baffling.

I live outside that county.

Our first sick were healthy adults, being ski tourists who brought the disease from Austria. Now it is likely spreading among the population. We are told to avoid crowds and other people and to wash our hands. Do not visit grandma at all, preferably no one. All events are canceled, libraries, theatres, and public sport venues closed and access to school limited. Ski centres closed when people started rushing into them. There is talk about closing bars.

People hoarded toilet paper (why, we still have some paper industry even when many mills have shut down during the years), hand disinfectant (now you find none), pasta, yeast, minced meat, and canned food. So much that someone with little money has difficulties to find their favourite products unless they can go shopping early. I hope it will get better when the hoarders are stuffed and our food industry will deliver some more.

We were told that while you are not allowed to do anything you normally do, you can still go outside but then authorities noticed how much traffic that gave to hiking paths and public barbecue places and such they started to disable them too.

A handful of people have died, most of them old. The worst is still ahead. The criteria for testing is tight so you don't know how many infected there are out there. Any symptoms of respiratory infection and you should quarantine yourself.

I am not taking this well. Mostly because I cannot do anything. I cannot kick anyone or anything, I cannot eradicate the virus, and I can not run my errands like I used to nor do my sport because the club is closed until June and who knows if that barring will continue. My everyday life would not be that different except that I have no agility class and no library, I am unemployed and live alone but I had plans to try to change that and now I lost hope.

We were told to avoid each other but I spend this week at my brother's because his kids were kicked out of daycare and he had to work. So I looked after them during the day and spent some quality time with them.