I've been working from home for about two months now. I hate to say it, but I'm not looking forward to going back. We're finally over my boss's must-have-four-hours-of-conference-calls-a day-so-I-know-what-everyone-is-doing-bit and I've been able to get some work done. It's really gratifying to be able to work without interruptions for a while each day and then see that I've moved the needle on a project or two. Michigan is ending the stay at home orders but my company only wants us in the office two days a week until July. Now that they know the IT system can handle large groups working from home I'm hoping that working from home becomes more common.

Farmerbabe actually went out and got a job during the COVID shutdown. She's been working for a grocery chain filling curbside orders . She enjoys helping people but the crew she works with is...young. She's thinking about a more professional office position with less drama again.

Overall, we're grateful to be healthy and blessed.
