
Your description of The Midnight Library reminds me of a book I read decades ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time, but I can't vouch for what my opinion of it would be now. Have you ever read Marvin Kaye's, "The Incredible Umbrella"? At the time, it was a standalone book, but (as I found out just now), it is apparently the first what is now a four-part series. I don't want to say too much about it lest I spoil it. I ill say that is solves the mystery mentioned by John Watson (via A. C. Doyle) about the disappearance of Mr. James Phillimore, who stepped back into his house to get his umbrella and was never seen again. I'll just say that that umbrella functioned somewhat similarly to the books in The Midnight Library.

Hmmm... It looks like I now have five new books to add to my "to (re-)read" list. Thanks for the tip.


p.s., Apparently, "The Midnight Library" is a popular book. I just placed a library hold on the e-book. The library has 14 e-copies, but I am #358 on the waitlist. The estimated wait time is half a year! But even so, I had better luck with it than I had had with The Incredible Umbrella; that book isn't even available electronically -- not even on Amazon. frown