Hi Barbara!
Wait a moment, it’s not Friday. So why am I posting a MagiKal fic?

We’re moving and thus are without internet for the next three weeks.

okay, fine, you did warn us on Discord some time ago.
Behind The Trapdoor
Houdini’s agitated barks made Lois pick up her pace on her way upstairs. She was breathless by the time she reached the right floor. The Irish Setter stood on his hind legs, one paw scratching at her door, while he tried to push it open. Of course it wouldn’t budge.
Ooooh, door that has a trap behind it!
But obviously he wasn’t just having a giant hiccup somewhere on the other side of the world.
No hiccups. But he’s safe for consummation.
From her pocket she pulled the lock picking equipment she kept in her car. Her hands were shaking as she knelt before her door, hoping she’d manage to pry it open. She couldn’t afford to drive back to the Daily Planet and get her spare keys.

But it seemed like he always did the most unexpected and sometimes stupid things when he was being kind. Which was all the time.

But that he’d managed to get into her bedroom meant that he must have fought his way through the living room before. She remembered very well what these crystals had done to him the last time.
But he’s also now safe in her bedroom. Depowered.
CLARK: I don’t feel all that safe right now.
”You could have warned me,” he said softly.

“That it’s dangerous to be around me?”
He blushed furiously. “Well, you know what I was like the second time.”
Gah, need to remember. That was his Revenge?
Lois sat straight. She’d expected a lot, but not his calm and collected reaction. The knot in her gut loosened and suddenly, she felt a strange rush of excitement.
Unless that’s the red k talking?
Whatever this red crystal does to me, I can fight it.”
Whatever happened to me in that hole, what if it’s also a result of the red crystal? That means I can fight that too.

But a nagging voice in the back of her mind insisted that there had to be another solution, one that would truly set him free.
Umm …
Happy moving!
