Hi Barbara,

What a great vignette. I love it as much for what doesn't happen as for what does; specifically:
- Clark did not automatically jump to the conclusion that Lois had betrayed him.
- Lois and Clark don't make assumptions about each other's motives or thoughts that derail their relationship. Instead, they have an honest, open, and mature discussion about the situation. I could easily envision a different author using this as the springboard for multiple story parts in which the two incorrectly assume they know what the other is thinking and consequently avoid each other, exchange bitter words, and generally have a miserable time before (for example) Jimmy or Martha knocks some sense into one of their heads. (One of my pet peeves is stories or shows in which a big todo could easily be avoided or at least greatly shortened by a single simple, frank discussion.)

I like the hopeful tone of the ending.

I hope your move went smoothly and that you feel completely settled in your new home.
