Hi Dave!
I'm late to the party!
No, no, no, no, no!
She sighed, rubbed her eyes, and dropped the latest application on top of her rapidly growing, almost toppling, can you really believe this lot, ‘not a chance’ pile.
The standards really had dropped in the past 20 years.
Lois fielding requests for her patronage of the latest CostMart or LexPrize?
The next file was rather slim, and she held little hope as she flicked open the cover. A thin file usually meant nothing worth mention. A short resume, a headshot, a family history, maybe a few samples of their work… Generally, nothing spectacular. Usually, nothing wort…
Oh, she’s interviewing processional caregivers for the heir of the First Lord of Krypton.
Jon: Mo-om…!
She blinked. Hardly believing her eyes. A direct descendent of Superman? Third generation, barely pulled on her tights, but… a direct descendent? Applying for a placement in *her* country? Her, out of the way, anything but glamorous country?
Ooooh! /Gets popcorn/ also, with The Boys now on Prime…
The heroes who’d fallen into vats of toxic waste.

Heroes who’d been struck by lightening.

When countries like Latvia went to the Super Market, they didn’t come back with heroes who were Super.

Maybe there was an inappropriate college incident and the supe is now non-communicable via social media.
She was going to the Super Market…
Very funny! Now, what’s the rest of the story here?
