From Chapter 7...
Clark checked out the steers, moving easily among them, while Lois checked out Clark.
Looking back, she wasn’t sure she’d given as much as a passing thought to farmers. If she had, it was to assume they were boring, countrified, and dull. Backwards even.
Clark Kent was none of those things. He was intelligent, articulate, and thoughtful, with a well-developed sense of responsibility. He loved his mom dearly and had made sacrifices to try to help her through her grief, while dealing with his own loss of a father.
He was some man.
He had dreamed of being a reporter for The Daily Planet.
Just as he had predicted, he had shocked her with that information.
She now owed him… something. He hadn’t mentioned it again. Lois wondered if he’d thought about it, if he had something in mind that he was going to ask of her.
Thanks for reading!