it feels really good to be back in the newsroom, and I have such a soft spot for the favorite office gopher. I wish my brain let me write stories here instead of prowling through dusty warehouses. lol Anyway, Lois is back in action, throwing herself into the frying pan. She'll be hunting for a green glow in the next chapter

Thanks so much to everyone reading especially those folks leaving feedback. I'm traveling again this week, but I'm aiming to reply to those and thank you all individually after that.

Please feel free to send any constructive criticism my way!
And if you especially like any particular bits, I'm always thrilled to know! blush

As always, thanks to Sara for her a fantastic beta-job - but as I always edit again and again, any errors here are mine.

The story continues here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection (11/17)
And the full index is here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection Index

Thank you for reading!