Enjoy a little suspense in this chapter! They've been having quite a bit of fun, but unfortunately they're in the thick of it now, with each headed off to chase a lead and an uncertain fate. Will Lois find what she's looking for? Will Superman trace the gun smugglers? Will the gun that goes off in the next chapter find it's mark?

The next chapter will have 2 familiar characters - any guesses? devil

Also, apologies that this chapter was a bit late. I've been trying to post on Sundays, but got sidetracked out of town. Thank you so, so much for the feedback. It's really been keeping me engaged in the boards as all the travel tries to distract me. This is a good thing because I'm coming to the climax of the next long story I've had in the works!

Please feel free to send any constructive criticism my way!
And if you especially like any particular bits, I'm always thrilled to know! blush

As always, thanks to Sara for her a fantastic beta-job - as I always edit again and again, any errors here are mine.

The story continues here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection (12/17)
And the full index is here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection Index

Thank you for reading!