And that's the end of this one!
I really loved this story. The first Undercover Reporter started out in a very dark place. I was set on not reuniting Lois and Clark, but then their final scene together wrote itself one night and I couldn't keep them apart. And then, I was set on letting our imaginations wrap up their ending on bringing Clark back once Lois had sorted out the truth. Thank you to everyone who commented on the first story (some of you incensed, lol), to encourage me to give the undercover reporting team a chance to work out bringing Clark back.

As of now, this is the end of the UR universe. I don't have another story or plot point in mind for them (though I didn't plan to write Resurrection, either! So if your comments give me a good idea, it may pop up one day.) I do have two other long stories like this in progress. One is nearly complete and I'll likely post next year.

Thank you to everyone who has read along in real time, commented, found typos, quoted their favorite lines and generally supported this story. And thank you to those of you who haven't read yet, but may one day! I appreciate you all!

Please feel free to send any constructive criticism my way.
And if you especially like any particular bits, I'm always thrilled to know!

As always, thanks to Sara for her a fantastic beta-job - as I always edit after we're done, any errors here are mine. But her help really shaped Clark's side of this journey and made the story what it is. I'm so, so grateful for her help.

The story ends here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection (17/17)
And the full index is here (Mike, thank you for all the updates!): Undercover Reporter: Resurrection Index