Hi Barbara!
I tighten my grip on the sorry excuse for an armrest, remembering just in time that grabbing anything for dear life is never a good idea with my powers.
Destroying the plane in a panic about the plane crashing would be embarrassing.
Her frown deepens. “You’re not afraid of flying, are you?”
No, he’s afraid of the plane performing an unscheduled landing with suboptimal speed.
I heave a sigh. “I just wish we hadn’t taken the Neverbird to get there.”
and who knows what other dangers loom.
Like a beautiful woman taking a shower under a waterfall?
Together we’ll create new memories, better ones. And I promise I won’t lock you up in the broom closet.”
LOIS: First, the ‘storage closet’ isn’t the same thing. It’s much bigger. Second, when I’m in there with him and lock the door from the ‘inside’, that’s also different. And third, he won’t be able to think clearly at that point anyway.
Though with her, I’d even face the broom closet. But I’d much rather hold her in my arms as we listen to the jungle sounds before I say “Good Night, Lois.”
Awwww…his happy thought on a place

What a nice little Friday update
