OOOOH! I'm so glad to see you posted this! Yay!!!

he’d lost his mind and maybe his heart and decided to act out the lyrics to a bad country song.
awwww... poor sweetie. smile (although, I must object: there is no such thing as a bad country song! *lol*)

He had a ship?
hehehe. smile I really like that you're bringing all these things at this point in time. smile

with Wanda, he finally felt as though he’d found a person who could anchor him to earth, to humanity.
awww!!! smile Love this!!

to pillow his head on the clouds and wrap himself in a blanket of stars.
Positively brilliant! smile

You realize, don’t you, that you’re not making any sense? I mean, really, none at all. You can’t change your whole identity by changing your hair and clothes!
you think? LOL!!!!

I am so loving this story!! laugh It's excellent!! I especially like that the whole "you lied to me about who you are" is turned upside down. I can't wait to see what comes next! smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies