Is it live, or is it Memorex?

Wow, if this isn't another challenge fic from the DVD, then it's a new Tank/Wendy challenge. hyper
Why would Clark be pretending to be dead? He'd had to fake his own death before, but why didn't she know about it? Why hadn't he discussed it with her? And why was he acting so strangely? Was someone watching her?
Ooo, Tank are you giving Wendy hints as to how to solve this one, or are you making the challenge harder by forcing her to pick another solution?

It would make sense that she'd think about their past experiences with Dillinger or with Jason Mazik as an explanation, but it seems to me like there is an alt-Clark involved.
Her mind was in turmoil. If Superman was standing out there, then how could Clark be in the coffin pretending to be dead? It didn't make any sense. She turned back to the figure of her husband lying so still in the pillowed silk. If the person in the coffin wasn't Superman pretending to have died, then it was someone who was actually dead... but who? It couldn't be...

Her hands began to shake. "No." Her voice cracked. "No, no, no." Her head shook slowly back in forth in denial. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she slipped to her knees in front of the casket. "No!"

Please, please come and fix the toys soon, Wendy.