Okay, Carol, you get the dubious honor of writing the first fanfic I've read in... a couple of years, maybe? Just had to check in to see what you've been writing. smile

This was a really sweet fic. I loved the twist that they were together (I thought it was implied that they'd been married for a few years, but I suppose it could be any year since they got together?). I didn't pick up on the DeskFriend, but that's clever that you added that clue. If I were a bit more up on my L&C maybe I'd have noticed that. smile

You did really well, including nothing that didn't make sense if they *were* together, but at the same time not giving it away. I totally didn't get it until "sweetheart." It's cute to think about them playing "Lois doesn't know" together. I never thought about it, but it makes perfect sense that they would. Add a bit of spice to the relationship whenever it might start to get a bit routine. Great fic!