/waves/ Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to this! DH was home all week which makes it hard for long posts. And now I'm without my laptop fora while

Anyway... glad you guys enjoyed this!
cp33 - they surprised me with the whole 'already married' thing. I did have to go back and edit a couple things once I realized it.
Lieta - glad you liked it!
Ionlan - Yeah, tis sad that Lois has to go elsewhere to 'detoxify' but I'm glad that she has Clark too.
Bob - thank you!
JD - ridiculously awesome?!?! Thank you

. LOL! I prefer to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving but it hasn't happened the last few years for a variety of reasons.
Amber - thank you!
Nancy - I love the Coca Cola bears! Thank you!
Ann - thank you! I loved the mistletoe too

Michael - Desk Friend was something Lucky Leon had. I'm thinking that the business was successful and someone else bought him out or something [and took out the bugs and minidarts]. Hey! I can't believe this makes me evil!!!
Lara - am so glad I could make you laugh! Thank you!
Bella - thanks!
Elisabeth - I don't know when this was, though I'm guessing at least S4 because she says 'always' when referring to their trip to Smallville. See my response to Michael re the Desk Friend. I'm sure Clark will share candy and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Nancy - glad you liked it

Jessi - so glad [still!] that you liked it!
Sarah - dubious honor?! Glad you liked it. Hope we can suck you back in and not let you go! Thanks!
Thanks again everyone!