Poor Charlie! So Wells did, presumably, rescue Lois at the price of turning Charlie into an orphan. (At least as far as anyone knew. I guess that technically he wasn't one, since Clark was still alive; and, for that matter, Lois would be alive again, so to speak.)

Sunday afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese.
Did you wish to make that "Chunk E. Cheese"?

But there was just something about Charlie that made Clark unable to deny him anything.
Hmmm...Perhaps his origin has something to do with it? ;-)

All that had changed, however, when Lois had gone missing. Charlie now was one of the most important things in his grandparents’ lives.
That is good, anyway. I'm glad that they were supportive of him.

The rift being healed by the death of a mutual loved one -- reminds me a bit of Romeo and Juliet. (In a good way.)

Molly shook her head. “Old friend from college.”
Oh, no... Don't tell me Ryan's back. <shudder>

Molly nodded. “I’m working on something I’m calling Headbook.”

Charlie seems to have really good hearing and.
I wonder whether "really good" is a transitional state between "normal" and "super"?

Charlie nodded.
Oops...Now you did it in reverse. wink This should be "Clark nodded."

Thank you once again for changing to a daily posting. I'll only have to wait until tomorrow morning to get my next fix. smile
