My thanks to all who left feedback. smile

Laura, I'm glad you liked it.

Joan, thanks for mentioning Justin's name. I had been nervous that it might have been a bit too big of a giveaway, but I just couldn't resist.

Kathy, an interesting explanation. The other possibility is that all of Metropolis is just plain face blind. After all, no one figured out that Clark is Superman. (Well, except for Lois -- and she figured it out by touch, not by sight.)

Sue, I had liked the original Jimmy well enough, I guess. (His character hadn't made a huge impression on me either way). When I first saw the start of season two, I did find the change jolting. Now I prefer Justin's Jimmy.

MozartMaid, thanks. Usually the germ of a story for me is seeing the climactic scene, and I then develop the rest of a story around it. But this time around, the germ was precisely the question of how to explain the inexplicable.

AntiK, terrific! I always struggle in my stories with how much I should reveal how early. I'm glad that the story didn't broadcast its own ending too soon.
