Clark's not going to think that there's less pressure now that Lois is labeled as "alone" but more, even if that's not Lois's intent. He hears the whispers of the villagers, and sees the sadness in Diddi's expression. Will the others in the village treat her differently as Matty suggested they might, or is life with the Bangala really be paradise found?

Lois's analytical mind is starting to work again. clap I'm almost amazed that it took her a week to figure out there's more to Clark than being an orphan and Lana mistreatment. What does it mean that these reporters initially took each other's back stories at face value when they were clearly full of holes?

Romaric and Lois share a secret. Romaric found Lois outside of Bangala land. Sounds like the secret is about the circumstances surrounding how she was found. Romaric will protect Lois's secret, because he loves her and she asked him too. We already know from the first part that Tempus dropped Lois in section of the Congo, so her story about gun-runners and the truck, as I've mentioned above, has some holes in it. Lois doesn't want the secret revealed to the Bangala for some reason (out of fear that they will reject her? Perhaps initially out of fear that they will banish her if they knew there was someone out there trying to kill her, which might lead bad men to Bangala country. Now, that they've accepted her into the tribe, I'm guessing that they wouldn't reject her. She doesn't want the secret revealed now, because she doesn't want Matty to know that she lied to him. Or suspect Kent as being one of the bad men after her.)

Lois is right. There's no way that Lana would know for sure that Kent isn't the father of her child, unless Lana knew she was pregnant before resuming marital intimacy with Clark. (Because I believe he mentioned -- in his thoughts -- something about them no longer trying after a while). Otherwise, Lana could be lying to Clark and THAT would be bad for the future. If Lana lied to Clark about the baby, I really am worried about that child's future... between Lana and Tempus. Even if she didn't lie, and didn't know for sure, Clark would never agree to DNA testing. Duh! And Lana knows that. Lana could also easily revoke the lie latter on, saying that Clark abandoned her and the child (despite accusing him of spousal abuse), allowing him to lose custody if he could determine the child to be his own (even if he didn't really "abandon" them). If Clark ever becomes "Superman" and returns to his old civilization, Lana could always out him (should she wish to ruin his new life), or she always could claim that they were never legally divorced so that he wasn't legally married to Lois (even if they were in accordance to Bangala culture). True, Clark could always pledge to never return to his former civilization, but is that really a promise he can keep? Should Lois become pregnant (and put doubts into Clark's mind whether or not Lana's child was also his), or got sick, and he had regained his powers, he would return to find her modern medicines.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.