
Post 1 - good point.

Post 2 - another good point. I like that you have some faith in Lois. And LOL about the gingko. Maybe Sylva might decide to make them both tea? wink

Romaric and Lois share a secret. Romaric found Lois outside of Bangala land. Sounds like the secret is about the circumstances surrounding how she was found.
All true.

Romaric will protect Lois's secret, because he loves her and she asked him too. We already know from the first part that Tempus dropped Lois in section of the Congo, so her story about gun-runners and the truck, as I've mentioned above, has some holes in it.
A gentle reminder from Part 1 (it was a long time ago) ...

"Goodbye, Mr Kent." Mr Tempus's voice echoed through the capsule. "After all we've meant to each other, I feel an obligation to give you a fitting burial. And because I'm a man who can appreciate irony, your body will rot near hers."
Nothing here says that Tempus dropped Lois in the Congo. Nor does it disprove her gun-runner story.

Now, that they've accepted her into the tribe, I'm guessing that they wouldn't reject her. She doesn't want the secret revealed now, because she doesn't want Matty to know that she lied to him. Or suspect Kent as being one of the bad men after her.)
Your last point is something I've tried to hint at throughout the story, although I think I've erred on the side of subtleness. Lois's initial fear was exactly that - that the unconscious man had been sent to find her. As she got to know Kent, she dismissed that possibility.

(Because I believe he mentioned -- in his thoughts -- something about them no longer trying after a while).
Clark's thoughts were that sex had stopped other than around the times of Lana's ovulation - ie it had deteriorated to merely baby-making.

Thanks for your indepth comments.


On one level I guess there was lots of progress this section, with Lois becoming single, but it still felt like Lois and Kent were not making much progress at all.
When a man like alt-Clark - full of insecurities - loses everything (including his will to live) the road back isn't going to be easy or quick. As the writer, I'm constantly striving for balance. If it moves too quickly, it seems unrealistic and the character of Clark loses touch with Clark as we know him. If it moves too slowly, readers get frustrated and lose interest. As with many stories, I think this will be a more satisfying read as a whole, rather than in parts.

Dandello Oooh, evil. Lana has done deals with Tempus. Her death wouldn't be a surprise.

Thanks to everyone for the comments and continuing to read.
