QofC Thanks for all your feedback, Queenie. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I do.

Ken I had two endings, but decided to go with the romantic one because it better suited the story.

MM Thanks smile

Mouse Don't be intimidated by the recipe. Try it when you've got plenty of time and you're cooking for people who will be appreciative regardless of how it turns out.

Morgana Having made this recipe numerous times, it's now one of my 'easy' recipes - something to cook when I don't feel particularly inspired about cooking.

Artemis I don't use the microwave for cooking so I couldn't even guess if the recipe was adaptable. Thanks for all your comments.

Shallowford LOL about the oven mitts. I don't have any plans for a sequel. The story already went about twice as long as I had originally planned.

Amber Lois might learn to cook ... or she might simply marry Clark and figure she doesn't need to learn wink

Laura Glad you enjoyed.

John Thanks for your FDK.


Fun story. Still can't believe Lois didn't find Clark hanging out at her apartment after their lesson as creepy or a big red flag.
If the positions had been reversed and Clark had a woman coming for a date, do you think Lois would have stayed around out of curiosity? If I were writing that scenario, I couldn't imagine her simply walking away. It would be a bit hypocritical of Lois to condemn Clark for doing something she would have done.

Thanks so much to everyone who read and commented on this story.
