Kate Glad you liked the ending ... see below wink

chelo I'm was trying for romantic smile1

Virginia I have some friends who are great with curries. They consider butter chicken to be a bit of a lesser curry (not as hot, not as strong in taste.) I made them this recipe ... I think it changed their views a little cool

Pam Claude has his purpose in this, but I enjoyed keeping him away from Lois.

OK - I was never really happy about the end of this story. I was tossing up between two endings, then tried to combine them, then went back to the original, but I was still grumble

So for Shallowford and others (and so Goo will stop hounding me about this story), I've written an epilogue/sequel.

It's with Io now - I'll try to post it in the next couple of days.

Thanks to everyone for such lovely comments,
