[Disclaimer: I wrote this when I was sixteen; I take no credit for the melodrama <g>. Sara made me post

Shadows of the Wind
by Kaylle
We live in glassy houses
And we struggle to keep face
We sell our souls to sinners
And we mimic their disgrace.
The dreams we dared to cherish
The world that was so fair
Old hopes we once did cling to
All rot in our despair.
And what are we but shadows
Shadows of the wind?
The merest ghosts of memories
Of all we could have been?
Brother versus brother
We would fight and bleed and die
Whisper-flames of funeral pyres
Cast shadows on the sky…
There comes an age when every one
Must journey for his own
When the choices are to stand up
Or to sit and be run down.
And the choice is never easy
Take the high road or the low?
To fight for fame and fortune
Or to smile and let it go?
And what are we but shadows
Shadows of the wind?
The merest ghosts of memories
Of all we could have been?
The feats we could accomplish
If only we dared try
Will be but poor illusions
Only wrought to fool the eye...
So is there hope in wishing, then,
When Man has turned his back?
What point in aspirations
If their Fate is to be black?
The choice is always yours, my friend
Do with it as you may:
To see the world in darkness
Or to expedite the day.
Can we be more than shadows
Shadows of the wind?
Can we rise above those memories
And be what we could have been?
Can brother fight for brother
And sister find her peace
Can whisper-flames hold steady
If the winds at last have ceased?