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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Hello there all,
I'm hoping for an answer to this burning question.
I have been happily reading along in the "M" stories on the archives. (Supposedly working on keywording, but really just enjoying myself). I stumbled onto Yvonne Connell's 'Misery', and fell right in, for like a day and a 1/2. Brilliant. Horrible. Sad. And...leaves us hanging with many, many questions, and the promise of a 'Misery II'.
Ok, so there is no Misery II on the archives. I had the thought that being new to the boards by just a couple of months, that perhaps it has come and gone here, and not yet made it to the archive? Or that it exists elsewhere? Or, very sad thought, that it lives inside it's creator's head and not yet on the outside?
If you know anything about the status of Misery, I'd love to hear it. Especially, say, if you are a moderator here, and well, your name starts with a Y...followed by a v-o-n-n-e. No pressure, mind you, but inquiring minds want to know!
This was too long and wordy, wasn't it?
You mean we're supposed to have lives?
Oh crap!
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No Misery II... CC However she has been busy with Kidnapped Have fun!!!! Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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CC, join the list of people nagging Yvonne about Misery II! Especially a certain other moderator on these boards, whose name ends in -lena and begins with Evil. The queue of stories we're waiting for from Yvonne begins with Fear of Discovery 5 (we have to know what happens to CK and Lois after Clark and L went back, and vice versa!). Then there's Misery II, of course. And some of us are still hoping for a sequel to Kidnapped, though she says she won't write one. At the moment, though, Yvonne's working hard on an angsty story which adapts the end of Brutal Youth. And I can tell you that it's every bit as fantastic as we've come to expect from her. Keep on nagging, though! It does work on Yvonne... eventually. Wendy 
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Top Banana
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Thanks Wendy and Jose, bearers of bad tidings, but quick ones, at that!
Not the answer I wanted, but still, sign me up on that list of those who eagerly await...man, how I hate to eagerly await anything, I really do.
And this is just off the top of my head, but I'm thinking Yvonne, who is no doubt hunkered down into angsty Brutual Youth type stuff, might like a break to work on...say...other Miserable type things?
CC- just wishing...
You mean we're supposed to have lives?
Oh crap!
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Top Banana
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- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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Yeah! Still no "Misery II - Mourning".  (won't say who died in Misery I in case someone out there hasn't read it yet, but for the faint of heart, don't worry, it's not L nor C! And if you want to know, just read after the spoiler space at the end of this post.) And still no "Fear of Discovery V" for that matter! I won't even say how distressed I am that there's no "Death" or "Pestilence" yet. But, boy is this Brutal Youth re-write awesome!!! Yvonne, consider this a major nag! And please, just call me Mrs Tempus.
Methos: "I'm easily amused."
(Indiscretions - Highlander: The Series)
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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'Misery' was one of the most creative stories I've ever read. More, please! Elena, what's wrong with you?? 
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Hi, Where are you? "Misery II" MAF 
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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Elena, what's wrong with you?? Wrong?? Nothing. Elena 
Methos: "I'm easily amused."
(Indiscretions - Highlander: The Series)
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Top Banana
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Wow! - and I didn't even have to pay anyone a penny. Yeah, well, you see, after Kidnapped!, the Muse went on a work-to-rule kick and refused to write anything *I* wanted to work on. I tried to get her interested in FoDV and MiseryII, honestly I did, but she wasn't having any of it. So, in the end, I had to give in and let her write what she wanted, which was a rewrite of one of her favourites scenes in the series. As it happens, it's also one of my favourites, so it's really not such a hardship. I just wish she'd told me what I was supposed to do with the story after that scene was written. Anyway, I took her out to the garden yesterday and had a serious talk with her while weeding the patio. The upshot is that she's deigned to let me in on the plot for the rest of this story (which will hopefully be fairly short, but don't tell her I said that), and then she might just let me write one of the sequels. Hasn't told me which one, of course, but we can't have everything, I guess. <shrug> Yvonne (Thank you to Wendy for drawing me and my Muse's attention to this very kind and encouraging thread  )