I've been thinking about that scene at the end of HoL where Lex is falling and Clark is hopping up and down trying to save him. You can see the despair in his face as he finds himself unable to make what should be a fairly simple rescue. I've always thought it was pretty cool that, despite everything, Clark was still trying so hard to save Lex's life. I've also enjoyed the irony inherent in the fact that it's Lex's fault that Clark can't fly up to make the catch.
One other thought has nagged me, though, since I first saw that scene. What if Clark had recovered a little faster? There are several possibilities.
1. He could get just far enough off the ground that Lois notices. He still can't save Lex, but Lois now knows that Clark is Superman, that he's trying to save Lex, and that there's something wrong with him.
2. He gets off the ground, but so slowly that everyone sees him do it. It's also clear to everyone that he's weak and unsteady. Especially when, despite his best efforts, he just can't pull it off. (Can't get into position in time, gets into position but can't slow down enough, gets into position but isn't strong enough to hold on... take your pick.)
3. He gets off the ground, slowly enough that everyone sees him do it. He makes the catch, barely. It's obvious that he's hurt. It's not long before the whole story (including the Kryptonite cage) gets out.
4. His desperation earns him a burst of energy. He zips up and makes the catch. Lois, of course, notices his sudden departure, but no one else sees. Lex, however, does get a clear look at his rescuer. He knows Clark is Superman, but he also knows that he owes him his life.
I think all four offer interesting possibilities, but they're not the kind of possibilities that fall anywhere near my strong suit. I'm wondering, though... has anyone written a story with any of these premises (I have a vague memory, but I'm not sure)? Is anyone interested? What do people think?
Paul, hoping that (a) despite the boards' Kerth season slowdown, a good number of people read this (b) we'll get a good discussion out of it (c) a bunch of authors pick their respective favorites of the four, go off in their own unique directions, and post a nice enough crop of stories to make HoL the new TOGOM.