I gave some fairly detailed instructions in another thread for getting onto IRC for the Kerths, but thought that there might be some other IRC newbies around who might not see it. So repeating here.
Go to
www.mirc.com to download the program. Then, once you have it, double-click on the download to install it. You do have to do just a little bit of configuring along the way, but it's easy.
Here are a couple of images Elena made which might help.
![[Linked Image]](http://www.danesin.it/nene/foto/irc/irc1.jpg)
Look at the box the arrow is pointing to. On your copy, make sure that you've picked an UNDERNET server. In the box above it - which says ALL in this image - you can actually set it to give you only undernet servers.
You do
not have to put in your real name or email address - see what Elena did. You do need to choose a nick and an alternative nick. Once you've done that, click on the CONNECT TO IRC button.
You will then get a black window as IRC tries to connect you. Be warned: sometimes it may take a couple of tries, if IRC is busy or some servers are down. Don't worry about that or think you're doing something wrong - just be patient.

Course, you may be lucky and get in first time. And then you will have this screen:
![[Linked Image]](http://www.danesin.it/nene/foto/irc/irc2.jpg)
At this point, you're connected and you just need to join a channel. So in the box at the bottom you'll type the name of the channel you want to join. Elena is getting ready to join #loisclark. For the Kerths, you will type:
/join #kerthawardsYou will also want to join the chat channel, so once you're in #kerthawards toggle back to your status screen (that's the screen you just typed in to join the awards channel) and type this:
/join #kerthchatAnd that's all you need to do!
Now, if you want to practice IRC before the Kerths, you might like to come into #loisclark. There are generally people there in the afternoon and all evening US Eastern time - but if you want to be sure someone will be there, try making an arrangement with an IRCer via email.
#loisclark requires a password for entry. To get the password, go
here , complete the form and send it, and a channel admin will send you the password. You use the password just as Elena does in the screencap above - /join #loisclark password - except you'll type the actual password there.
Hope to see some of you on IRC on the night or before!