The time has come, lol, to post who got matched with whom and for what story. Remember, you and your partner can be completely creative in how you approach your fic! Examples being you can rewrite parts of or even the entire story but with similar aspects to the official version or heck use the title as an inspiration and go off from there. Of course, in the case of the pair who got a clone arc tale, you might every well choose to well write off that dumb idea altogether. Yes, you guys know I share in most of your thoughts on the clone writings. :p
Anyway, the stories should probably not be of an n fic nature but if you want to post a complementary piece in the n-fic folder, please do so.

Does a month sound like enough time to get the tales written? Say Saturday December 1st?
Have fun and let the random writings begin!
Pair number one: LaraMoon and Dandello, recreating S1, Episode 17,"The Foundling."
Pair 2: Catherine Bruce, Myself and Aromassa, who I randomly picked as the person to make up a threesome. We got, drum roll, an episode that needs no formal introduction,lol,TOGOM!
Pair 3: Laura and Carol "The House of Luthor." 1-22
Pair 4: Symbolic Angel and Woody will save us from that dastardly clone arc by recreating "Forget Me Not." (I promise, guys, these picks were drawn completely at random out of my very own Superman hat).