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*sniff* Wow. That was pretty heart-wrenching for me...2002?!  Poor, miserable guy...Lois, what happened?! Edit: Yay, I remembered what I was going to comment on! *victory dance* Is he surviving in the cell with the kryptonite for all this time? Jen 
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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SQD, I haven't been reading this too closely as I prefer to wait until I can read my way out of purgatory too. From Jen's comment, I think you didn't cover the sunlight issue enough, but it is an interesting question when Clark doesn't get enough to have his powers return but gets enough to stay alive. Remembering People vs Clark Kent, when the lack of sunlight was causing him to die. Thanks for the story, I'm looking forward to reading it and how 2002 is going to be for our poor Clark 
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Wow! This is pretty WHAMMY. Nine long years and no way out. I thought Luthor had arranged for Clark to be executed within a week? How come they let him live? Though I guess this pertains to the previous part, why did they take away the kryptonite? Did they just assume after a few weeks that Superman wasn't coming?
-- Roger
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OK, RL is stomping all over me right now, so I only have a second here, but I just wanted to let you know, SQD, that you are  . Have I mentioned that before? Just thought you'd want to know that. I hope to get back to comment again later. I'm a bit confused on a couple of things I read, so I need to look them over again and see if I missed some details on the way. Poor Clark. Actually, to express how I truly feel right now, I had to borrow this for a second: I think that says it all... KathyM
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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Hi, Great piece.  Please don't tell me she married Luthor?  What did Lois wrote about Superman? ‘It took a while for the guard to talk to me again. He slipped me a new book three days ago and told me hello. He told me not to worry. Warren would soon set me free. I don’t know about that, but I sure wish someone would.’  Who is Warren? What happen? Did Lois destroy Luthor?  You are evil. Get back to write! Urgent! Want more soon, please. MAF 
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Ohhh I am so sad.. Poor Clark, all those years alone. *sniff* I don't know if I can keep reading this story..I'm a wimp and this part really hurt me. Please make it all better! ~Liz
Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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SQD, where are you? I must say again, you are my favorite author.
Now you must hurry and post the next part!
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Stopquitdont you are so evil ditto others fix this quickly merry
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SQD I've just managed to catch up with this. It's so heart-wrenching and sad! Yikes, nine years!! Tricia 
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Hi guys! Thought I'd take a moment to answer a few of your questions. Again, the comments are overwhelming me. I really appreciate each and every one. Is he surviving in the cell with the kryptonite for all this time? Jen, in part 4 there's a small snippet that tells the guards came in and dug up the small piece of kryptonite. I think you didn't cover the sunlight issue enough, but it is an interesting question when Clark doesn't get enough to have his powers return but gets enough to stay alive. Trenna, the effects of the sunlight on Clark's powers have been explained various ways in many different fics, just like in TPvCK. In this one, I chose to have it be just enough coming through to tease. It was my hopes that the reader would understand from this that while I understand the sun recharges Clark, I'm going on the theory that they don't keep him alive. So, lack of sun would only keep him from becoming super again, not kill him. As for Jen's comment, she missed the part where the guards dug up the kryptonite. I thought Luthor had arranged for Clark to be executed within a week? How come they let him live? Though I guess this pertains to the previous part, why did they take away the kryptonite? Did they just assume after a few weeks that Superman wasn't coming? Most of these questions will be answered... just keep reading! I just wanted to let you know, SQD, that you are </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">you are so evil Merry, I think this is the first time you've told me that. I know it seems that way now, but hang in there! Why didn't Clark try to soak up as much as he could every day? Again the sunlight... While there was a small stream coming through the window, there wasn't enough to recharge him after the k-nite had drained his powers. Enough to tease, but not enough to help. Actually, to express how I truly feel right now, I had to borrow this for a second:  Borrow on, Kathy! Though you feel a little whacked right now, I have to say I'm proud of myself as a writer for being able to stir this kind of emotion. It makes me feel like the effort I've put into this thing was worth it! Thank you all.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I am hoping for the next part soon.... about now. And pleeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee  let Clark be set free, get back to Lois and his parents and they live happily after that. In exchange I`ll lots and lots of comments for you, now isn`t that a deal sunshine(still waiting for the next part)
A friend is somebody that knows everything about you and still likes you
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SQD, interestingly heart-wrenching story. While I do think there are a few minor problems, the scenes you portray are very powerful in their emotional impact.
I do think you need to better state the situation of Clark's powers better. You gave us your explanations in the comments folder, but it needs to be in the story. Clark, apparently, has had a lot of time to think, so I'm sure he's come up with many theories as to why his powers have never come back even though he knows the kryptonite is gone. There is no hard and fast rule as to how different levels of kryptonite exposure affects Superman, but your story's rationale needs to be better outlined within the framework of the story.
I, too, was confused as to why Clark is still alive, but you claim that that question will be answered, so I can wait.
A good visual of Clark; dirty, emaciated, and just a tad 'round the bend', as he lives through his writings. It's been a long time gal, we need to know what's been going on with Lois.
Tank (who thinks that Lois may have slipped into a daily life routine by now, but he needs to see her progression from faith, to loss and acceptance and a hollow life)
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Wow nine years ! That really sucks! poor Clark. Ok you can let him out now. Can he reverse time or something? Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Tank, I was reading comments from part 3. I think I can answer you question. I do have a question. We all know that Luthor is evil (almost as evil as Kaethel and Wendy) but why would he kill the person who is carrying out his plan for him? Especially afte he'd just finished giving him several instructions as to what to do with Kent, and the body, and the kryptonite. I can see Lex killing for fun, or to protect his identity, but apparently he still needs this guy. Well, the man in the room w/ Lex works for a major drug lord who is carrying this stuff out.(But by now you have probably figured that out by now).
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OK, I've had time to reread Parts 4 and 5 more closely now. And I see that Part 6 hasn't been posted yet! Why? In Part 4, I personally would have liked to see a visual of Clark as he approached the cell door and was suddenly stricken with pain from the kryptonite. As readers we knew it was buried there and have been fretting about it for days (OK, once it's archived it'll be just a couple of pages  ), but we know that his reaction is coming. For me it would have been more powerful to see it: his legs suddenly collapsed under him, beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead, waves of pain radiating from his body, that type of thing. If you chose to do so, I think that you could have this happen and have the guards laugh it off as his "sudden" realization of what's actually happened to him, rather than them making a connection to the kryptonite. Then I'm a little confused on some of the timing during Lois' and the Kents' investigation. First, Lois gets a telegram from M&J after they had gotten Clark's "death notice" and personal effects. (But why didn't they just call her with the news? It's faster - and more personal - than a telegram.) So they had the DNA test done, got the results, and started doing some more digging. Now M&J get an official report from the UN. All fine so far, but then you have this paragraph... Martha and Jonathan had been devastated. Lois had flown to Smallville immediately after she’d received the telegraph from the Kents informing her that something was wrong with Clark. Martha had fully denied that her son could be dead. He was invulnerable! How could he have been executed? The trio threw around scenario after scenario, trying desperately to cling to some kind of hope that Clark was still alive and that this was all some kind of horrible mistake. When the DNA report came back proving beyond doubt that the lock of hair was indeed Clark’s, the small family had had to face the fact that something far more serious had taken place. Is this a second telegram to Lois from M&J then? So first she went to Smallville to see the personal effects and arranged the DNA test, possibly staying for the results two days later. Then returned to Metropolis while the UN investigated. OK, I can accept that - after all, Perry might not be able to grant her indefinite leave, and I don't know how long all of this takes. But then at the end of that paragraph you suddenly refer to the DNA results, which had come back days - weeks? - before the UN report. So the timing on that seems a bit confusing to me. Then Lois heads off to Port Stanley after these reports are on, and that all works just fine. I felt so terrible for L&M&J. Such a bitter truth for them to accept under these circumstances. The "green gloater"...what a wonderful moniker for kryptonite! I like that. Oh, and I was a little confused on the date thing as well. You had Clark found guilty on April 14, 1993. But if you're going with canon up until the point at which Lois told Clark she loved him  , that should actually be 1994, if one assumes that the L&C's fictional timeline is roughly the same as the show's broadcast timeline in our world. It's a teeny thing, I'm nitpicking a bit here... And now on to Part 5. Being an ordinary man was not all it was cracked up to be. Be careful what you wish for, right...Oh my god. Poor Clark. Nine years! Unbelieveable.  . Or, being Lex, once he decided that Superman wasn't going to show up to rescue Clark, maybe he decided it was better for Clark to suffer...and suffer...and suffer...rather than be put out of his misery. So may we have more please? I'm worried about what's going to happen when Warren (?!) sets the "no longer gentle, no longer compassionate and loving" Clark Kent free. What will he find when he makes his way back to Metropolis? Will his Purgatory be over by then...or still ongoing? KathyM
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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Kathy, WOW! Wonderful, wonderful feedback. You've made my day! The "green gloater"...what a wonderful moniker for kryptonite! I like that. Thanks! I didn't realize I'd find praise for that, but I'm enjoying it. 