Oh, me too... Folcs, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Fandom has been a big part in my life for almost ten years now... I met my best friend & acquired a social life.
When I had a screamy baby in the middle of the night I could go on IRC and interact with adults.
I've gotten e-mail from many many countries, and I now send international Christmas cards
I love that people here really care about quality writing. (As a new e-mail friend put it: "it's been refreshing to see so many GOOD writers--people who know the difference between "to" and "too" and "your" and "you're", and who actually know what proper punctuation is. Not to mention the ability to construct realistic dialogue.")
I've met other parents of autistic kids.
A year after my son was diagnosed with autism, a fan group dedicated their charity auction proceeds to autism research. More recently, FOLCs donated to a scholarship fund -- a friend was cleaning house and letting go of some of her huge collection of L&C stuff. Some of them bought the L&C stuff, some of them simply sent contributions.
I love that people on these boards are all ages & stages of life, and all respect each other, and are able to have discussions and disagreements without descending into flame wars.
I love the way people volunteer their time (and sometimes money) to put together our archives, message boards, mailing lists, awards programs... this fandom wouldn't be anything at all if it weren't for people working together, just out of love for the show.
I love that we have such a variety of writers & styles -- again, very high quality writers!
I love the way FOLCs get goofy on IRC

Y'all are *nuts* and great to hang out with. I love the official channel ficus, and I love throwing lightning bolts, all goddess-like and everything
I love that one of my stories was translated into French!
I love the way that I can simply assume that every FOLC I meet is going to become a friend.
And there are many many more things, I'm sure, that I can't think of at the moment...
But now, I'd better get to bed before my husband comes down and starts listing all the things he *doesn't* love