Welcome to the boards, Nicole! I really enjoyed Lois Lane's Diary (yes, I know, bad reader, I did't send feedback
And a BatP/HoL story! I wish Kae weren't so busy right now, as she'd adore this. And so do I! You do a great job of pegging their emotional interaction here, and Lois's dialogue in places is so real I can hear her say it - especially that bit about needing better accident insurance. Brilliant!

And I especially like the part about no glasses and clothes on the ground.
So, twenty parts... sounds like you have a
lot of angst to come. Definitely my kind of story!
Teeny, tiny nitpick: you have a few 'is' within the narrative which should be 'was' - for example:
Say she is his best friend.
This should be 'say she was his best friend'. As I said, tiny nitpick

if you catch things like that now, it means less work when you're ready to submit to the Archive.
Okay, so since it looks like you have the story completely finished, when do we get more?