Just returned from Newfoundland. Cadet interprovincial exchange. It was fun. Our flights were delayed like 6 times today trying to get to Halifax and then to Toronto. Last night we went to sleep and the Captain's instructions were, "you'll receive a wake up call at 3 AM, be ready at 3:50 AM with your uniforms and luggage." Well, me and my friend did not get a wake up call,

but we did however get a call at 4 from the second leftenant asking if we were up and announcing that the bus is leaving. In a fit of panic I shoved my tunic belt into my suitcase and had to take it out only at the airport. And I left my camera at the hotel. Anyways, we ran out of the hotel both looking like crap (it takes time to do a uniform properly). Conclusion: next time I am bringing an alarm clock. We were hosted by Air cadets (we're army cadets). We played a game called Airborne from which my arms are still hurting. (game: you get in a circle with your group, everybody links arms like in a chain and then you pull back. whoever lets go is out till there's only one person left. I was left with only 2 other people and then I went out and they tied.) I could go on forever but I'm just too tired. And going through LC withdrawl.