Yay! You're back! Great to see more of this.
L&C aren't being all that careful about this long-distance thing, are they? Maybe Clark can put a story out that he's friends with a pilot... someone he knows from Kansas who has a small plane and makes frequent trips to Metropolis and California.
It is curious, though, that he was worried about Jimmy overhearing his flower order when he wasn't worried about anyone in San Fransisco seeing them delivered.
I'm glad Lois convinced Clark to go to the warehouse. Looking forward to seeing what happens there.
Oh... one more nitpick. Clark's first broken law? Jaywalking, speeding, rolling through stop signs instead of coming to a
complete stop, and all that sort of stuff aside (really, who hasn't broken at least
one law?), he had to have lied about his birthplace on his driver's license and passport applications. Superman's activities certainly boarder on vigilantism. Then there's the whole thing about breaking the sound barrier while flying over land. Big no-no there. (Also, probably a bunch of laws about flying a personal aircraft without a license, FAA registration, clearance from a local tower, etc.) Oh, and crossing the US boarder (with unsealed food packages, including foreign vegetable matter) without going through customs. Maybe first
major law broken? I'm not even sure that's true...
Anyway, that's just a little nitpick. It probably didn't bother anyone but me.
Great part, Erin, and I'm very glad to see this story back on the boards.

Looking forward to seeing more when it's ready.